Sushi |
My favorite Japanese food, sushi! Actually, they are plastic models. But, it makes no difference because you cannot taste. (1989, Two-step Denisyuk type, 125 mm x 100mm)
Below meshes |
Lenses and rings hanging below steel meshes. (1989, Multi-exposure two-color rainbow, 200 mm x 145 mm)
Quartz crystal |
Put laser beam directly to the quarz crystal to make crystal glowing inside. Made with Pierre. (1989, rainbow, 200 mm x 145 mm)
Saturnish |
Looks like Saturn? It's a light bulb and a cardboard. Record three master holograms on the single plate, so that the transfer hologram can be made with single exposure. Made with Pierre. (1989, Full-color rainbow, 295 mm x 200 mm)
Wet Paint and a Brush |
Try to make a kind of pop art. Paint brush is put in the wet paint frame. Do you want to take the brush to finish painting? (1989, Two-step Denisyuk psuedo-color, 125 mm x 200 mm)
Saturnish 2 |
This sturn look-like is a computer-generated hologram. (2000, Full-color computer-generated rainbow hologram, 30 mm x 20 mm)
Bukimi boy |
Looks weird? 'Bukimi' is a Japanese word for weird. I made this strange character in a few minutes with CG modeler and make it to a computer-generated hologram. (2000, Full-color computer-generated rainbow hologram, 20 mm x 20 mm)
Jumbo jet |
Boeing 747, Jumbo jet, became very tiny computer-generated hologram. (2001, Full-parallax computer-generated holographic stereogram, 10 mm x 7 mm)